Armbian on the MQ-Quad


Thanks a lot for the board and for the working Debian image.
Do you think it would be possible to collaborate with Armbian to add this board as a CSC?

Yes, this would be great. I have currently a Raspberry Pi zero 2w, but does it make sense to switch to a Mango Pi MQ-quatt with Debian? For me personally only if we have armbian on it , which would be a reason to buy a Mango Pi MQ quat.

Good news then Armbian with kernel 6.7 can run on mangopi qm-quad without an issue.

Repository here:

If anyone is interested I can provide images for tests - but it should be easy to build it from provided repository.

Hi, I tried to install Amrbian following the github page. I was able to use the compiler but it failed while installing Armbian for the mq-quad. Could you follow me through what you did to get it to generate the image without errors? or if you already have a Amrbian image for the mq-quad that you could send me that would be even better. Thanks!

Armbian fetches newest “edge” kernel during first build, probably patches are now mismatched with kernel version.

This image probably should work fine: Armbian-unofficial_24.5.0-trunk_Mangopi-mqquad_bookworm_edge_6.7.11_minimal.img - Google 雲端硬碟

Could you specify what is the issue or error code here or on github page.