QM-Quad board running Armbian bookworm with kernel edge 6.7

Due to lack of any alternative i started working on armbian images for mango QM-Quad.

Repository containing code is here GitHub - rymut/armbian-build_mangopi-mq-quad_longan-pi-3h at development

Currently MQ-Quad is running fine but only kernel 6.7 is supported, some additional testing needs to be done. If anybody is interested let me know, any feedback will be appreciated.

Basic question: is there any need to support lower kernel version, it is possible but not sure if its worth the time.

Do you think this would work on the H618 MQ-Quads? Unfortunately I don’t have a H616 board to test out

Could you follow me through to what you did to get it to work? I wasn’t able to generate a image for the mq-quad but was able to generate image for another board, which means the compiler works but for some reason not for this board. I get error related to the patch for this board. It says the patch is missing.

It should work (the image is based on OrangePi Zero 3), here is download link : Armbian-unofficial_24.5.0-trunk_Mangopi-mqquad_bookworm_edge_6.7.11_minimal.img - Google 雲端硬碟

Thank you for the image. I will try it out and let you know.

Thank you! This image ‘Just Works™’

(I haven’t had the chance to experiment again with the images from the other h618 thread, but I didn’t have to do anything special to get this img to boot!)

Yes this image works but I the Bluetooth don’t seem to work.

I will check it tomorrow - I only used WIFI from external periferials, and I did not check BT connection.

Yes please do I would love to see if you get it to work.

This image and kernel also seems to be very heavy on the mq-quad that I have with the H616 cpu after installing the desktop package.